March 22


Gisele and Danica with their Pink Team

Posted by Christie Madariaga on Saturday, March 22, 2014

November 6

10 Things A Good Game Needs To Have

One thing that good game should have is a challenge. Without a challenge, I think the game is pretty boring. Another thing would be a good motive. Also, a creative title. Plus, a code that won’t glitch and cancel out. It should also be addicting, that way you won’t want to stop playing. I would really love a CUTE character! SUCH AS A UNICORN OR PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It should also have an antagonist, someone that would kill. BEWARE! The game should also have instructions. Lastly, a good setting place and music.

November 5

Scratch Game: Five Nights At Freddy’s 2


I absolutely love Five Nights At Freddy’s because I love being scared. The jump scares are awesome and I just love the intensity. This is the first time I’ve ever played this game and making it halfway through the second night. I’ve played on am iPhone, but I always died at 3AM! I recommend this game….if you like getting scared!

November 2

Business Plan Refections

The most interesting part of The Three Sisters Babysitting Program was coming up with name because none of us could really agree on one name, nothing seemed perfect. The most difficult part was figuring out the finances of the business and all of the numbers and percents. One thing I think our group did well on was the writing because we checked it multiple times and we used formal language. One thing we could’ve improved on was the video because we messed several times and it might’ve been over 3 minutes. One thing that I could suggest to Mrs. Suzuki or American Savings is to explain what to write a little more because it was very hard to understand what to write about.

September 1

The Reason I Chose This Business

My business is called The Three Sisters Babysitting Program. I chose this business because I love to babysit and I am great with toddlers. I work with to other girls that also love babysitting and are great at it. The thing that makes The Three Sisters Babysitting Program unique is that we guarantee service because there are three people working and not just one. That way, if one person is busy, another person can still watch the child. We also can provide simple education for appropriate ages.

August 19

How I Would Sell It

The Eddie Bauer Katatatic Tent is something that I would sell to people who like to camp. I should also sell it to my own family because we usually go camping every few months or when we have free time. The commercial will show someone using the tent and show why it is helpful on a camping trip.

August 18

Cool New Products

The FitBug Orb is great for runners and other athletes. I think that the FitBug Orb is is perfect for athletes because it is the size of a button and it tracks the number of steps that you take, how many calories you burned, and the distance that traveled. Also, it is one of the cheapest fitness trackers we’ve seen. I think that the cost would be 45 dollars. To make it, it could cost about 115 dollars.

August 17

No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Be thankful for what you have. Some people have less than you have. I’m not saying that that makes you better than them, I’m just saying that just because you don’t have this and you don’t have that, it doesn’t mean that you NEED it to live life. The man in this video has no arms and legs. Yet, he can still golf, play soccer, and swim. He shows that just because you don’t have something, it doesn’t mean that you still can’t live life without it.

August 17

Be Kind

All you have to do is be kind. You don’t have to be famous, and you don’t have to get something in return. You should give something from the heart. When I give something to someone, I don’t expect them to give me something back. The smile on their face was worth giving up something that I cared about.

Today, me and my family went to Black Rock, a beach. While my family and I went paddle boarding, my mom saw a boy and his dad. A few minutes ago, I saw both of them on a float-y thingy.

Now, the dad was treading water while carrying his son. The boy had a life vest on, he was clinging onto his dad. They were both were about 150 yards out.We had two extra boogie boards connected to our paddle board. My mom got onto a board and went to the boy and his father. I went with her. She offered them a board.

The father looked very tired. On the swim back to shore, he said that their float-y was carried by the wind and flew away. He also said that they’d been out there for about 45 minutes.When we got to shore, the dad said thank you. My mom was happy for the rest of the day, just because she helped someone. You can do the same.